The leading Telugu news channel TV9 has earned the wrath of the Telangana protagonists because of its alleged biased coverage of events pertaining to the statehood movement.
The stand-off has now reached a flashpoint with the Telangana Cable Operators’ Joint Action Committee deciding to boycott the channel across the region from Monday.
As a result, the channel will be blacked out in the region till it mends its ways. The JAC has issued notices to this effect to the Telangana MSOs (Multiple System Operators).
The JAC has accused the TV9 management of adopting a deliberate anti-Telangana stand and twisting the developments to suit its position.
The latest incident that triggered the confrontation was the suicide of Yadi Reddy, a youth from Moinabad in Ranga Reddy district, in the heart of Delhi.
The Cable Operators’ JAC has alleged that TV9 had deliberately blacked out the coverage. The suicide incident was completely ignored by the channel. It was not mentioned even as a scroll.
However, the Telangana Rashtra Samithi legislator T Harish Rao beating up an official of the Andhra Pradesh Bhavan was played up by the channel. It repeatedly showed the footage.
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