It is known that houseflies circumambulate a piece of sweet. Similarly where there is money, many businesses surround. One such business is prostitution, which is age old.
The junior artistes in film industry are aiming at the software engineers those are drawing salaries in lakhs of rupees. They are coming up wearing sexy outfits and acting as if they are waiting for a bus in a bus-stop. They pretend to be shopping walking in front of software engineers whom they are targeting.
The software engineers are also finding it pleasure to fall in the trap of such ladies for carnal pleasures at a few thousands of bucks.
But some junior artistes are very sane that they are trapping some affluent SW engineers in such away that they are deciding to marry. While a few cases are ending up with hasty marriages, some ladies are pulling out lakhs of rupees from SW engineers keeping them in emotional trap of marriage.
Yes, sex is very powerful tool that women may see the downfall from a man to kingdom!
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