Manila, Jul 27 : Asia’ s prestigious Roman Magsasay awards winners announced. Nileema Mishra, a woman lender to poorest in Maharashtra, and US-trained Indian engineer Harish Hande, who revolutionised use of solar lights, are among six people who have been awarded.
“The two had helped to harness technologies to empower their countrymen and created waves of progressive change across Asia,” award foundation president Carmencita T Abella announced.
Filipino charity group Alternative Indigenous Development Foundation, Inc (AIDFI), Hasanain Juaini, who set up an Islamic school for girls in Indonesia, his fellow countrywoman Tri Mumpuni, who promoted micro hydropower technology and Koul Panah, working to restore democracy in Cambodia are the other winners of the award, often described Asia’s Nobel prize.
The winners will receive a certificate, a medallion and a cash prize in Manila on August 31. The award is named after famous Philippine president who died in a plane crash in 1957.
“Harish Hande passionate and pragmatic efforts to put solar power technology in the hands of the poor …. has encouraged the poor to become asset creators,” the foundation said.
Mishra was recognised for “her purpose-driven zeal to work tirelessly with villagers in Maharashtra……to address both their aspirations and their adversities through collective action and heightened confidence.” Among other notable Indians who have been honoured with the coveted award include Acharya Vinoba Bhave, Jayaprakash Narayan, Mother Teresa, Arun Shourie, T N Seshan and Kiran Bedi.
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