Yuvasamrat Nagarjuna might have earned the title of “Greeku Veerudu” in Telugu films, but the Telangana Rashtra Samithi has described him as “Geeku Veerudu.”
TRS leaders Nayani Narasimha Reddy and others on Monday alleged that Nagarjuna has done a clean shave of Telangana by encroaching the lands around the Outer Ring Road in a big way. “One can imagine the extent of lands he had encroached upon, looking at the way he had paid Rs 1 crore as registration fee alone.
He is not a Greeku Veerudu as his fans call him; he is a Geeku Veerudu, as he did a clean shave of Telangana properties,” they said.
Last week, the TDP also has made several allegations against Nagarjuna. It castigated Lok Satta party for engaging Nagarjuna for its advertisements, despite knowing that he was a land grabber. It is better Nagarjuna join politics to counter all this criticism
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