Neha Sharma, a model from Delhi made her screen debut with the Telugu film “Chirutha” which was the launching pad for Ram Charan Tej. Though this film directed by Puri Jagannath did not do up to expectations at the box office, the on screen chemistry between Ram Charan and Neha was very obvious.
Evenwhile, the shooting of “Chirutha” there were rumours that Ram Charan and Neha have eloped and married. Later, Neha did not accept any film either in Tollywood or Bollywood, which gave credence to the buzz that Ran Charan does not want Neha to pursue a film career.
There were many reports in the media that both the actors had been meeting secretly particularly during the shooting of “Kurradu” where Neha Sharma played the lead with Varun Sandesh.
However, eyebrows went up when Ram Charan Tej was the chief guest at the Audio release function of “Kurradu” and both he and Neha were seen more than being just cordial to each other.
Neha says that Ram Charan is a good friend and that’s all. Ram Charan says that Neha is the most promising artiste. Neha, meanwhile signed up Mukhesh Bhatt’s untitled production opposite Serial Kisser Emraan Hashmi to be directed by Mohit Suri.
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