TV9 taken Karthik and Jyothi's Net Black Mailing case as reference, and called some Cyber Crime experties "how cyber crimes and how can we can grab or thieve other personal information across internet" to explain on this. Also Karthik was telling his personal email id of Yahoo and his mobile number on TV9 LIVE show, which is not a good thing.
The Cyber Crime experties told that, this can happen like installing the Key Logger softwares on the Computers, so that that would capture all the information like getting the Chat information, and email accounts User ID and Passwords.
Not very sure, how TV9 is taking this case advantage and showing all these information to a common person how to grab / capture others personal information by using the few softwares which are available over internet at free of cost. And also TV9 is revealing some kind of secrets of their personal life and as letting to common man how to do the Cyber crimes over internet.
Today as per TV9, one of her husband want to see her nude body over internet using Webcam, which some body else captured and started black mailing (not very sure whether this relates to Jyothi and Karthik's story)
Tags: Karthik Jyothi Net Black Mailing TV9 LIVE Video and Photos, Where is Jyothi Nude Photos? Karthik Jyothi and Devendar's Scandal TV9 Show, Karthik, Jyothi are partners in which business? Karthik Jyothi and Devender Photos