The ravages of summer sun on the skin -- both the face and the body -- are well-known, but winter can be tough on the hide, too.
Cold air can dry out your skin, which is not only uncomfortable, but makes you look older, too.
Paying attention to winter skin care is just as important as summer skin care, dermatologists emphasize. Here are three basics of winter skin care that apply no matter where you live:
1. Moisturize often in winter.
2. Take shorter, warm (not hot) showers and baths.
3. Keep the humidity level up indoors.
But winter in New England -- where temperatures often dip well below freezing -- is quite different than winter in California or the Pacific Northwest. WebMD asked dermatologists from seven regions to clue us in on what residents of their areas can do to baby their skin all winter long. Here are tips for everyone, from sea to shining sea.
Winter Skin Care: East Coast - USA
East Coast winters can be brutal on the skin. Wintry temperatures on the East Coast can mean the humidity dips indoors when the heat is turned on and stays on, says Robert Greenberg, MD, a dermatologist in Vernon, Conn., and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Connecticut, Farmington.
''The air is very dry and we lose water from our skin to the dry air," he says.
Some residents use wood stoves for heat, further drying the indoor air. And he has to dissuade his patients from shaking off the chill with a hot shower when they scramble from bed. "A [long] hot shower in the morning is not a good idea,'' he says. It's too drying.
Besides the general advice to avoid harsh soaps and use gentle moisturizers, Greenberg tells residents to use mild laundry soaps, too, to prevent skin irritation, especially when it gets drier as the winter goes on.
And "humidify the indoor air," he tells East Coast residents.
Winter sports such as snowmobiling can take an extra toll, especially if it is windy. He reminds sports-loving people to apply moisturizer and protect the facial skin and other exposed areas.
Winter Skin Care: Southeast - USA
''In the Southeast, we can experience extreme shifts in temperature on a daily basis," says Andrea Cambio, MD, a dermatologist in Cape Coral, Fla. ''For instance, it is not uncommon for it to go from the 50s to the 90s in the same day. Added to the equation are very strong ultraviolet rays from the sun.''
Besides the typical winter skin care advice – shorter, warm showers, use of a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser, and use of moisturizer -- she stresses sun protection year round. Sunscreen, protective clothing, and hats are a must. Her advice is especially true for visitors, who may be so thrilled to be warm that they forget about sun protection. More Tips
6 Tips to Relieve Dry Skin Fast
Give your dry skin the relief it craves.
Flaky, itchy, dry skin can plague you all year, but it’s often worse in winter.
You want relief from dry skin. You want it fast. To help you give your dry skin the comfort it craves, Blog turned to the skin care pros. We asked dermatologists for their top tips on how to combat dry skin fast.
Here are their six simple solutions.
Dry Skin Tip: Warm Up to Warm Showers
As soothing as a sizzling steamy shower feels, that hot water isn’t doing your dry skin any good, says dermatologist Andrea Lynn Cambio, MD, FAAD.
The problem? Hot showers strip your body of its natural oil barrier, the same barrier that helps trap in moisture and keep skin smooth and moist.
So the next time you bathe, the skin care experts recommend short, warm showers or baths no longer than 5 to 10 minutes. When you dry off, give your skin a gentle pat dry instead of a brisk rub. Immediately moisturize your body.
Dry Skin Tip: Grab a Gentle Cleanser
While you're taking those shorter showers, wash with a soapless cleanser, advises Cambio. Or you can opt for gentle soaps that are free of fragrance, deodorant, or antibacterial additives, which can be harsh on skin.
You might also consider a cleanser containing ceramides, suggests Carolyn Jacob, MD, a dermatologist in Chicago. Ceramides, fatty molecules that make up the outer barrier of your skin, help skin hold in moisture. Some skin care products contain synthetic ceramides to replace those we lose with age.
Go easy on toners, peels, and other astringents that contain alcohol, which can further dry out troubled skin. If you crave the fresh feel you get after an exfoliation, be careful of too much scrubbing, says Jacob, which can irritate and thicken skin.
Dry Skin Tip: Use That Razor Right
Shaving can irritate dry skin. After all, you're essentially scraping off natural oils as you shave off unwanted hair. If your razor blade isn’t sharp, you're really asking for problem skin.
The best time to shave is after you shower, says the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Hairs are softer and more pliable after bathing. And your pores are open, making shaving easier.
To protect your skin, always use a shaving cream or gel, and shave in the direction the hair is growing. Don’t forget to change your razor blades often.
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