Go Green Ganesha is a Social and Environmental cause initiated to save Marine life and Environment by adopting Go Green Eco friendly Ganesha Idols as an environment saving alternative of Plaster of Paris’s (PoP) harmful Ganesha Idols in up coming Ganesha Chaturthi also know as Ganesha Festival.
India is particularly vulnerable to the various impacts of climate change. We already have been exposed to the worst tsunamis, famine, droughts, floods and even wars over water rights. Lord Ganesha is worshipped in all parts of our country as "Vighnaharta" or the trouble-shooter God. During Ganesha Chaturthi festival, more than millions of Plaster of Paris-made Ganpati idols are immersed in water throughout India and more than lacs are immersed in Mumbai alone. With this in mind, have we ever seriously thought about just how toxic and harmful are the effects of the Plaster of Paris idols to marine life, Environment and to our own lives?
Environmentalists state that Plaster of Paris (POP) Idols contain gypsum, sulphur, phosphorus, magnesium, mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and carbon which are very dangerous to all marine life, ecosystem and to humans life. It takes several months for PoP to dissolve in water; it greatly reduces oxygen levels and increases acidity in water. What does this mean?..Disturbing the ecosystem in such way leads to death of most marine life as a result of poisoning the waters of lakes, ponds, rivers and seas. This toxic and poisonous water also causes contamination of the underground waters. Animals, fishes drink this toxic water and it eventually ends up in our food chain through milk products, sea food or meat. …Means a serious health hazard to us, humans. In many areas, the same polluted water gets pumped into homes as well.
People who consume this type of polluted water, experience a wide range of health problems such as infections of the lungs, intestinal water born diseases (as typhoid, Hepatitis, cholera , gastritis, Diarrhea etc) and diseases of the skin (as skin maceration, irritation, or infection) blood, and eyes.
We need Clean and wholesome Environment to live in considering it is our birth right but we fail to understand that its our Fundamental duty under the Constitution of India to protect and improve our Environment including lakes, rivers, forests and all other natural resources. Has anyone seriously considered and cared about the immensely harmful effects of the Plaster of Paris on Sustainable Development, i.e. Maintaining Ecological balances for our own lifetime as well as for future Generations?
Let us make practical implication of the motto, “Prevention is better than the cure”! Every step taken to protect our environment is an investment in to our own well-being as well for our next generations. This planet is all we have and everything else loses significance without it...So today is the day and now is the best time to take the first step toward Saving the Environment By supporting our Go Green Ganesha cause which is formed by two professional guys namely Dr. Pradeep Tripathi and Durgesh Gupta.
We are not only creating awareness but also providing solutions by introducing our Go Green Ganesha (Eco friendly Ganesha Idols) on a mass level. To make this noble common cause a successful one, we urgently need and seeking your full support to save our Environment and Mother Earth.
Tags: Go Green Ganesha Videos, Where available eco-friendly ganesha idols, vigrahaalu, vinayaka vigrahalu, vigrahaas, hyderabad, secunderabad, mumbai, delhi, chennai, kolkata, pune, phone numbers, contact land line, website links, where to get, how to buy, areas, shops list, more news about, how to prepare eco friendly ganesh maharaj idols, go green ganesha idols, making videos, pictures, photo gallery, Vinayaka Chavithi Greetings 2011, Ganesha Chaturthi 2011, Ganesh Nimajjanam 2011, dates, timings, live videos, media coverage, tv channels live news, whom to contact, where I can get, buy, sell
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