It is known news that Kanimozhi, the ever smiling daughter of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi is currently counting the bars in the infamous Tihar Jail. The reason for that is her alleged involvement in the 2G scam that fetched her few hundreds of crores.
While there are those who are sympathising with the Karuna family for his troubles have just begun, there are those who are seeing the lighter side of it. This was seen through an SMS which has become a hot hit. This one has been created on Kanimozhi’s husband Aravindan.
The message goes –“Who is the most luckiest husband in the world? The answer is Kanimozhi’s husband. Rs 250 crores in pocket and wife in jail”.
Those who got the message are laughing their guts out and maintain that perhaps there should be one extra or more zero added to the figure. Well, that’s politicians of India folks.
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