It is often said in the cine circuit that director V V Vinayak has got a long and strong desire to remake the immortal ‘Daana Veera Soora Karna’ with NTR Junior in the lead. Though not much has happened on that front, few of the cine folks are now connecting Vinayak’s ‘Badrinath’ to his pet project.
A noted producer who is known for his mass hit movies said “It looks like Vinay is keen to get a feel of a period film. That’s why he is using ‘Badrinath’ as a test project by including an element of period in it. So that, whatever errors he may have committed in this, he would not repeat it in his ambitious ‘DVSK’ project.”
While this speculation has begun to make rounds, the analysts are giving out their observation. They say that if this buzz is true then Allu Arjun will become the experimental mouse. However, they are all wishing that ‘Badrinath’ becomes a super good success looking at the economics of Tollywood.
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