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  • thomachan72
    07-20 03:32 PM
    Hi John, thanks for bringing this to the attention of our members. Lets hope everybody finds time to call Sen Cornyn to thank him for introducing this bill. Another thing I wanted to say is that, our members are all busy with 485 filing and stuff so we can expect a response only after the 17th of August when the excitement of 485 filing is over. Even though it was defeated it doesn't seem to be a very hated idea by the majority since 5 more votes would have made it safe. So there still seems to be a positive factor lingering around for us the "legal immigrants". Hope we are able to capitalize on it soon. IV is infact becomming stronger and more influential thanks to the dedicated efforts of the leader and the members. Pls keep up the spirit for all of us. We need vigilant people like you to do the work to spot opportunities and failures for the community. Thanks.

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  • indio0617
    10-23 11:38 AM
    Significance of Priority date???
    PD is important to get your dates current faster. Earlier PD will get a better shot at being current early.
    After your PD becomes current your 485s are assigned visa numbers (if your FP, namechecks and processing are done) GCs are allocated based on 3 important factors : Dates must be current, date the I485 was received (FIFO as per their SOP but factors like namechecks make it unfeasable) and country of chargeability. It is thus tough to review approval trends on tracker threads and sites because of small and incomplete data set and no info on factors that influence faster or slower I485 approvals.
    Coming back to the country quota, I do not know how country quotas are allocated throughout the year. How overflow happens each month/quarter and how future demand is predicted each month for the entire year when providing visas to oversubscribed countries from the quota of under subscribed countries. This will be a good topic to research.

    I think 485 processing is not dependent on PD being current. It is only the adjudication or final approval for which the PD needs to be current.

    All 485 processing takes place based on it's receipt date and after it is complete the application is put on hold for approval untill the PD becomes current for that application.

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  • kp9999
    03-31 05:36 PM
    I am trying to do a H1B transfer from my current employer.I am searching for a good employer(consulting firm) in Atlanta,GA area..

    Can anyone advise me on a good employer.I heard that Pyramid Consulting is one big vendor in atlanta..Any inputs about Pyramid is greatly appreciated..Or any other good vendors in atlanta area?


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  • piyu7444
    04-01 02:37 PM
    Hi Vinnysuru

    Case is approvable but my question is - will I have to wait till Visa bulletin has PD date showing NOV 2006 or beyond or Current or they can just get a visa number now (say April 08) and send it for card prodcution ?


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  • raysaikat
    04-22 01:41 PM
    I think i understand:) Thank you.
    As I might have already mentioned, i've been working for a company for 2 years now with my EAD, they are willing to sponsor for H1B. so as long as my J principal has a waiver, then my company shoulnd face any problems on applying for a H1B right?

    Could you please explain "As long as the H1-B quota is not exhausted and the petition was correctly filed". ? Is there a deadline to apply for H1B ?

    i really appreciate your opinoins, thank you very much.

    Talk to the immigration attorney your company is using. You (guys) do need a home residency requirement waiver to be eligible to work on H1-B. IIRC, the waiver has to come from both your home country as well as US. Anyway, I am not well conversant on J visas.

    There is an annual 65,000 visa limit for H1-B visas. There is an additional 20,000 visas for M.S. degree holders in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines from US universities. Non-profit organizations and US universities are exempt from the quota limit.

    The application time window for H1-B that takes effect on Oct 1, 2010 opens on April 1, 2010 (i.e., H1-B VISA starts from the start of the fiscal year, and application for that opens in the previous April). A few years back all 65,000 VISAs would get exhausted within a couple of days after the window opened (i.e., by April 3-4, all VISAs would be gone). AFAIK, the H1-B quota for 2010 (i.e., for H1-B VISAs that would start from Oct 1, 2010) is not yet exhausted. But it is always a very good idea to do the petition as soon as you can.

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  • Nil
    11-10 02:54 PM


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  • mrajatish
    06-08 03:18 PM
    I agree - better be safe than sorry. My take - you are just unlucky, USCIS randomly picks folks who have been in the country for a while to see if they have ever been out of status. Likely, they are doing that with you.

    Have you kept your I-20? Can you call your old Univ. to get payroll stubs (I think you can do that)?

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  • acepb
    04-16 12:06 PM
    ...on your news...and thanks for your continued commitment to IV!


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  • go_guy123
    01-25 07:00 PM
    http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Bush_wants_more_young_Indian_minds_in_United_State s/articleshow/1461553.cms

    This is very promising and can help our IV team to press on for relief provisions for Skilled workers already here.

    Good luck to us all.

    They(mainly republicans) all want guest workers which their corporate
    patrons can misuse and no green card.

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  • jasmin45
    07-16 05:48 PM
    You've got to hand it to these attorneys. They have a way of writing a lot without saying anything.

    Sheela Murthy excels in this art. In this situation, should we still file for 485 or not? She will write a whole page on this and finally say you have to make that decision yourself.

    Thank you, but I already know that one!
    She must be scrambling for those meaningless "legally correct" words to fill the page now.. not a word from her yet.. except that we already got to know from WSJ report this morning.


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  • punjabi77
    08-06 12:12 PM
    In my particular case, when i signed the contract, the employer agreed to pay for my GC process. But as usual, My employer also did not follow the contract and when my labor was approved, he asked me to pay for the Labor and take care of GC application fees hence forth. I was kind of surprised and did argue with my employer. But Employer gave me an option to leave his company and move to a diff company if needed. But since the labor was approved and the current project was going fine, i thought of sticking with the company and agreed on paying the GC fees.

    I dont know if we can really go and harass our employer to re-imburse the GC expenses as they know what they are doing and what are the consequences if they go back on their words..I think they know pretty well about all the loopholes in this immigration process.

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  • hope_4_best
    09-05 04:25 PM
    While on EAD, what type of entity (LLC, S Corp, C Corp) is the best one?


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  • black_logs
    04-13 10:00 AM
    But before you send it you make sure you do not want the labor substitution to stay. The AILA draft supports labor substitution.
    Here you go, you can use this as a draft and keep the relevant parts of the comments or adjust accordingly : http://capwiz.com/aila2/issues/alert/?alertid=8652851

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  • radhagd
    05-15 12:14 PM
    Thanks for your reply.

    My understanding is there can be only one AOS at any time.

    - So if the AOS is applied based on the EB3 140, can another AOS be filed based on EB2?

    - If a AOS has been applied based on EB3, can it be "upgraded" to EB2 ??


    Yes you can file more than one AOS simultaneously and withdraw other one once I485 is approved.


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  • helmet
    01-15 11:43 AM
    now a days that test is mandatory for all Asian countries. If you did master's in US then you no need to take that test. in their website there is a point calculation chart for the points that you get in IELTS the corresponding points for canada pr. If won't take that test mostly they will reject the application if you are from Asia.

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  • WeShallOvercome
    07-27 03:49 PM
    Sorry to have to say this but they will probably reject your application. Signature is the most important thing they look for in any application.

    Not entirely true..

    Some employees of my client company who filed their AOS in june did so without signing a single piece of paper and already got their RNs and FP's done as well.

    There are a few things to see if what your lawyer did was correct:

    1) Did he ask you to write him/her an email/letter authorizing them to sign on your behalf

    2) Your company has your facsimile signatures or signature stamps.


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    10-09 06:35 PM
    Hello guys,
    I applied for I140 & I485 + EAD concurrently at the Texas service center on July 19th. I got the receipts dated Sept 11 on Sept 17 and a week later I got the EAD's. My priority date is Feb 04.

    I live in New Jersey and I would assume my FP appointment will be at the NewArk USCIS center. I still did not get any FP notification yet and I started to worry because on the tracker a lot of people with the same dates did get one already. Should I worry or is OK for now ? Is New Jersey more crowded than other states and that is the reason for delay ??? Anybody else in the same boat ??
    I know they consider the application abandoned if I have an appointment and don't go. If, god forbid, the letter is lost in the mail, is there any way I can find out if I have an appointment ?

    I have don't have a lawyer so they will not send a copy of the FP appointment letter to the lawyer.

    Please help !


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  • wandmaker
    04-04 01:34 PM
    I work as a software engineer in India and the US branch of my company has filed a L1-B petition by September 2008. The petition got denied by Nov 18, 2008 stating that I don't possess "specialized knowledge". Knowing that I am the only person who possesses knowledge of one of the company's product, we filed an appeal to re-consider by Dec 18, 2008.

    The USCIS moved the case to AAO by Feb 9, 2009. After which there is no status change. The status of the case as reported by the USCIS web site is:


    Current Status: Appeal/Motion/Certification sent to Administrative Appeals Office for review.

    Two months have passed by and I don't know how much more time it is going to take. Can someone please tell me how long this process is going to take?

    Should we just withdraw this appeal and re-file again? In the meantime can I opt a B1 and work there a few months until the L1-B is approved?

    If your resume portraits a product customization or support then in the USCIS eyes, you do not posses specialized skills.... Additionally, The initial evidence (including resume) that your company has submitted is not sufficient enough to prove that you posses that specialized skills. Your company also has a base in the US so the availability of US worker in the same skill is very much possible with in the company - Hence, USCIS denied your L1. IMHO, your appeal may not be fruitful....

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  • maine_gc
    04-20 12:11 PM
    So do i need to go to any International airport that has immigration services or the local USCIS office can help?

    07-24 02:49 PM
    I am July 2007 filer my PD Nov 2005, I had a interview on Feb 2009 after interview , the Immigration office gave me a letter, which says the following

    "Your case has been continued for the unavailability of VISA"

    Does it mean once the PD goes to Dec 2005 I will get my GC? Would I have to do anything from my end like going to local USCIS office?

    it is ok
    05-18 05:27 PM
    Unfortunately lot of fresh PhDs who apply as EB-1 even after getting a faculty position are usually denied on grounds of lacking enough professional experience. It is not easy to be qualified as a n EB-1 even if you have a PhD. So, most of the PhD's I know are in the EB-2 queue.

    But with this provision, those PHDs will get their own quota, they would not have to contend with EB2 or EB1, right?

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