Anushka Sharma who made her debut in Bollywood with Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi in which Sharuk Khan played lead role is on top gear. The 23 year old actress is ready to sizzle in a red hot bikini in the movie Ladies vs Ricky Bahl.
Anushka Sharma earlier posed in a bikini top in the film Badmash Company. As per the latest buzz she would be seen in real two piece deal for her fans.
As per the sources, Anushka Sharma was asked by the filmmakers to slim down to look slick in the bikini costume. Right now Anushka is busy in shedding a few kilos. Ranvir Singh who starred opposite her in the super hit film Band Baaja Barat is the hero in Ladies vs Ricky Bahl.
Maneesh Sharma is directing this film with the hit jodi Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma. Filmmakers are trying to make cash from Anushka's bikini scene.