Badrinath movie starring Allu Arjun and Tamanna is all set to release in the first week of June. It will have a simultaneous release in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. Allu Arjun who enjoys a huge fan base in Telugu and Malayalam film industries, is now eyeing on Kollywood market too.
Director V.V.Vinayak and producer Allu Aravind are not taking the dubbing version easy and are planning to release it extensively in kollywood. The Geetha Arts production house has tied up with Red Giant movies to release Badrinath in Tamilnadu and to add the Tamil flavor to the film.
Vinayak has recently shot few scenes on Allu Arjun and well known Kollywood comedian Santhanam. A separate comedy track has been shot on the actors in Chennai. Tamannah is playing female lead role in this movie. The audio of the movie was launched grandly on May 8 2011. Devi Sri Prasad is music director for this film