Breast Tattoos Signify Liberation and Rebirth for Some

Breast Tattoos Signify Liberation and Rebirth for SomeBreasts are "in" fashion. And now we celebrate them, one or two at a time and gloriously basking in iconic survival. Even though laws on the books in most of the United States forbid publically baring a naked female breast, the edges of the law have been baited and caught by women and fashion over the last few years. But now women everywhere were baring their gorgeous bosoms in cities like New York, Portland, Columbus, Chicago, Miami Beach, Maui and Venice Beach, California. You can see them appearing as well as at all the rock, jazz, blues and pop musical festivals. Boobies were in blossom at Lollapalooza and Burning Man as they have been for years. It was a show of flesh that might make even some of the more "nude breast and body friendly" Europeans blush.

Despite how you may feel about the permanent act of tattooing your breasts, let alone showing them in public, there are some amazing breast tattoos that are being created daily by artists and tattoo enthusiasts of all stripes. Whether a delicate butterfly perched on the upper chest, a breast cancer ribbon tattoo worn proudly in support, a crimson colored lady bug peaking from behind a skimpy top or even a visible rose bush proudly displayed on the entire upper half of a women's body, the art, placement as well as the reasons for getting a breast tattoo are as varied as the types of women who wear them.Breast Tattoos Signify Liberation and Rebirth for Some

Some women get them merely for the purpose of decorating their breasts or to bring attention to a part of their anatomy they feel pride in. Many ladies admit that men will see a glimpse of the design of the breast tattoo underneath their swimsuit, or whatever they might be wearing, and become instantly curious of what the whole piece looks like. Of course most women won't show him the whole thing... usually, but it certainly gives some women the joy of piquing a man's curiosity doesn't it?. One of the fastest growing reasons for getting a breast tattoo, however, has to do with marking a big turning point in a woman's life. This is oh so evident in the case of women who are recovering from the mental and physical ramifications of breast cancer and the surgery that often accompanies it. This is true also for women who may have gotten a breast cancer tattoo in support of or even in memory of a loved one who had valiantly fought breast cancer. A similar example would be a friend or relative who simply gets a tattoo for breast cancer awareness. In fact you can see many pictures of tattoos for breast cancer awareness as well as temporary tattoos for breast cancer awareness at the websites which sponsor the many benefits, including walks and red carpet events held to support the cause. The month of Ocotober has been chosen to honor, nationwide those who have survived and those who have fought this terrific disease.

Still, some of the many women who have lost their breasts to cancer find it empowering and rejuvenating to pick or sketch out their own designs. They choose the personal symbols and words or icons which have special meaning to them to have tattooed on the scarred chest where their breast or breasts used to be. Getting these breast cancer recovery tattoos often marks the turning point and exit from a hellish time of battle in their lives. Many women report this to be a moment when they decide to let go of the past and head decisively for a much healthier, happier chapter in their lives. Women who have come to carry the tattoo in place of a prosthetic or a reconstructed silicone breast are the harbingers of hope and faith to those who find they are facing the beginning of their war on cancer.

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