Female Tattoo

Female Tattoo

Female Tattoo
Female Tattoo

Female Tattoo

A lot of women are starting to request larger customized tattoos on more visible parts of their bodies, like arms and legs. The ankle and lower back are common places for female tattoos, but the stigma towards women with tattoos seems to be disappearing so women are getting larger and more prominent tattoos.

Women are also putting tattoos on their ankles and shoulders more so now than in the past, when women would get ink on their breasts or thighs. Part of the artist's job is to help the client select a design or location that will accentuate a certain part or shape of the body.

Women are generally more style conscious than men so are more discerning about what tattoo they want and where on their body they want it. Men mostly pick out a tattoo, choose a spot on their body and thats it.

According to many tattoo artists - women are much better than men when getting tattooed. Men like to think they are tough can withstand the pain. But when the needle hits their skin they pass out in the chair. Women, on the other hand anticipate the pain and have a higher tolerance.

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